Interstate is a digital typeface created between 1993 and 1999 by renowned type designer Tobias Frere-Jones, in collaboration with Font Bureau. This typeface was inspired by Style Type E, a signage alphabet developed by Dr. Theodore W. Forbes for the United States Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 1949. Originally designed for clear and legible highway signage, Interstate was later adapted for use in various forms of print and digital media.
Interstate‘s robust and straightforward design features open letterforms that are highly readable, even at small sizes, making it an excellent choice for both signage and text. Its clean, geometric structure gives it a modern feel while maintaining clarity, which is why it became widely popular in the 1990s for on-screen and print text applications. The font offers a strong visual presence, which is why it's a great option for display usage, headlines, and body text.
The success of Interstate as a signage font led to Frere-Jones designing Whitney, a typeface published by Hoefler & Co. Whitney shares many of Interstate‘s traits but is more streamlined and functional for everyday use. Whitney retains the clean and efficient design of Interstate, while being more optimized for text-heavy environments.
Due to its versatility and heritage, Interstate remains an essential typeface for designers looking for a clean, reliable font that excels in both print and digital environments.
Interstate Font Family
Item Type: Font, Software
Format: OTF, TTF
Total Files: 1
File Size: 891 KB